Oil And Home Sales Fall Again

This day was very volatile on Forex EUR/USD pair, but it was without a distinct leader among those two. With dollar falling and rising during the day it ended almost at the same point it started. But trend for the rest of the week could have been probably founded today by two important fundamental reports on U.S. economics.

First, the crude oil inventories for the last week fell by whopping 5.29 million barrels. Department of Energy even changed the phrase in its report from "well above the upper end of the average range for this time of year" to "near the upper end of the average range". With low oil inventories, the price for this vital commodity can continue its fast growth seen during the last days. And expensive oil will almost certainly mean cheap dollar.

Second, existing home sales for September showed decreased by almost 0.46 millions to 5.04M (total annual rate). That is more than 19% lower than the September 2006 figure and also significantly lower than National Association of Realtors expected for this September. Weak real estate reports adds another reason for FOMC to lower interest rates next meeting (31st of October). And that can't be good for dollar too.

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